"all me"

Soovin Choi

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GitHub Repository
Please use your mouse to move around and get inside the glass bear!

The fascinating aspect of world-building in virtual space is the ability to be anyone or no one. We can choose our character and have no unchangeable face nor fixed identity. Also, we can do things that we could not do it physically in the reality as well. For example, I love dancing, but I am not good at dancing. However, I am good at dancing in this world-"all me." I like to create my fantasy and dream come alive with 3d modelling and 3d scan in this world-building project. This world is full of my raw thoughts about expectations and fantasy.

Used DRACOLoader.js, GLTFLoader, RoomEnvironment, OrbitControls, stats module, in three.js. It is a 3d body scan of myself using Skanect and Meshmixer. It was challenging since it was my first time using Mixamo and using Blender to model and animate. I wanted to bring five more animated 3d scanned body dancing and exercising, but I need to collaborate with Tween.js to do that, so in the future, I like to develop this idea further.

example credit: Littlest Tokyo by Glen Fox, CC Attribution.